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Our top quality tier,

characterised by exceptional

softness and quick absorption.

The products are recognised

by their superior look and

feel, as well as their style and

high performance.


Effectively balances cost and

performance. These high-

performance products are

soft, attractive and reliable.


Meets the basic needs

of customers, offering

good value for money and

low maintenance.

Our Tork refill products come

in three quality tiers.

Easily identify the products you need

Low/medium traffic

Look for these symbols

throughout the catalogue

which indicate which

dispenser systems best

handle certain washroom

capacity levels.

Our Tork Systems are identified

with Refill IDs to seamlessly

match dispensers and product

refills. They consist of a letter

(key below) and a number

and are clearly marked

on Tork packaging and in

this catalogue.

A = Air Fresheners

B = Bins and Bin Liners

C = Couch Roll

F = Facial Tissue

H = Hand Towels

M = Centrefeed

N = Napkins

S = Soap and Sanitiser

T = Toilet Paper

V = Seat Covers

W = Wipers

High traffic

High peak traffic5

At least


Cleaning hours saved2


Higher customer


Fully stocked washrooms

on average


of the time4


reduction in dispenser

checks – saving hundreds

of hours per year1

Tork Vision Cleaning, the world’s

leading facility management solution

1 Based on customer feedback for dispenser checks over 6 months before vs after installing Tork Vision Cleaning (between June-December 2019).

Measured across 16 sites connected to Tork Vision Cleaning, with each dispenser check taking approx. 20 seconds.

2 Based on the documented results achieved by three Tork Vision Cleaning customers, measured before and after the implementation of Tork Vision Cleaning.

3 Measurement of visitor satisfaction in two Tork Vision Cleaning washrooms and two traditionally maintained and equipped washrooms at ISSA/Interclean exhibition, May 2016.

4 Measured across nearly 13,000 connected dispensers between June-December 2019, based on time per month that a dispenser is in an empty status against total time per month.

5 High peak traffic includes influx of guests within a short period of time.

What if you could save 20% of your cleaning

hours and reallocate that time to the most

important tasks for creating a superior guest

experience? Knowing when and where your

facility needs attention is essential to high

cleaning quality, informed decision making,

and effective labour management.

Tork Vision Cleaning is our facility management solution

that uses people counters to measure visitor traffic and

connected dispensers to measure product usage, paired

with Easy-to-use software where cleaning teams can

access digitised cleaning plans, dynamic analytics and

detailed reports. Our offer is flexible and creates a data-

driven way of working to better utilise resources, create

operational efficiency, and eliminate empty dispensers.

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